Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Success is Counted Sweetest

Success is Counted Sweetest by, Emily Dickinson

You must comment on at least one poem that was assigned last week. Your comment should be insightful, original, and develop conversation. If you aren't sure if your comment matches this criteria make another. A trite comment that can be made by anyone and is unoriginal is not worth credit. I challenge you to write something worth reading unlike anything you've written before.


  1. This poem to me is about people who do not succeed at first but keep trying and trying until they are succesful. When you are defeated all you seem to hear is the winning team cheering around while you are stunned at the defeat.
    Kristopher Gustafson 3rd

  2. DYLAN PRICE 3RD PD: I think this poem is saying that even if you work so hard you can still lose every thing that you have worked for, I also think it means if you have worked for some thing you should feel better about your self even if you win or lose. I can relate to this, for instance I'm in raiders (JROTC) and we work relly hard to be number one in the county and even if we don't always win we are proud about what we have done and what we have gotten.

  3. I found this poem to be the most intresting. It's very metaphorical and has good vocabulary. I like that it can refer to war or sports,anything competitive.
    "Success is counted sweetest,By those who ne'er(never) succeed. To comprehend a nectar(the drink of the gods),Requires sorest need." This stanza in the poem could mean when those who don't succeed finally do it means a great deal to them. But they had to work for it.
    "Not one of all the purple Host, Who took the Flag today, Can tell the definition, So clear of Victory" The purple Host reminds me of "The Purple Heart" There are key words in this stanza recongnized with a capital letter such as, Host, Flag, and Victory. All having something to do with war. This stanza means to me that not one of the falling soliders could celebrate their victory because they have passed.
    "As he defeated-dying-,On whose forbidden ear,The distant strains of triumph,Burt agonized and clear!" This stanza kind of confuses mebut what I think it means is that the men died or lost ,depending on the situation, but the people still celebrate their life and the things they've accomplished.
    I enjoyed this poem.
    -Jade Darnell,3rd Period

  4. Emily Dickinson's poems are usually straightforward when it comes to the theme of them. For example, it is clear that the theme of this poem is failure & success. Since Dickinson lived in the 1800's, her English and use of words is very different to more modern English words, and newer poems. Dickinson's poems are also often about sad thems, such as death & illness. I think it's interesting that she was interested in morbid topics & things, because I myself am as well. I really like this poem, & the author, Emily Dickinson.

    Diana Roberts-Santiago
    5th period

  5. Emily Dickinson's poem "Success is Counted Sweetest",is about defeat and success, in anything a person can relate to. Which can be anything athletic,academically,ect. I think this poem is saying that you can succeed in anything,but you can also fail at whatever you do and we need to now how to deal with both.
    -Demitria 5th period

  6. Emily Dickinson she's poem is describes that the failure is more than successed. and there are lots of failure during successed.someone never successed in his/her life.
    The poem describes a battle, the triumph over death. It mentions how some fail, but others succeed.people always wining cant understand the value of the success.who lost in the battle got more improtant imformation why are they lose.

    Haiyong Ma
    6th PD

  7. This poem describes the sweetest part of the victoro or the pitiful sounds of loosing. Anticipatting any pitiless or joyful events. Some of them abdicating the enthusiasm of winning. The ones that never trusted the triupm before, will be more attentive to it.

  8. Sucess is Counted Sweetest, by Emily Dickinson

    This poem tells of how those that never succeed can really appreciate accomplishing success and that success is always sweetest when accomplished after many failures.

  9. Toyyail Morris.
    This poem explains that if youve never succeeded and you finally do then you feel really good about it your success.

  10. i like to read this poem i thatpoem have a good messeges and the messages say dont give up

  11. This poetry explains that people who haven't succeeded are the ones who crave it the most.
    To a person who never wins, victory is sweet, but to a person who has always won they don’t understand the value of success. The poem describes a battle, the triumph over death. It also tell about how some fail, but others succeed. For those who overcome the battle, they can't realize the significance of victory compared to the losers. Those who lost the battle now understand the great importance of victory.

  12. this is one of my favorite poems. it always sucks to loose but you have to try to win!

  13. i liked this poem becuase it telling you no matter how hard you work sometimes you can lose it all.

  14. Graded all but fran-de-lion- who are you?
